I want to create for you something beautiful. Something
inspiring. Something real.
I want to write.
I take it back. I don't want to write. I want to paint
words. Paint something alive, please. Something that will decompose beneath
your soul and set you
Something freaking worth the five minutes you spend staring
at the blunt white of a computer screen.
But before I write something, I want to be something.
I want to be something beautiful.
I want to be
something honest.
I want to be someone real.
I want to be someone
worth knowing.
I think, how can I be,
well, how can I be someone,
well, how can I be someone,
someone I can live with. someone who actually likes what is
left after a hot shower washing away the make up and all of your hipster music.
before I keep on trying to be someone you like.
Because, you know. If you really knew me. That is to say, if
I really knew me, I think you'd like that more.