Recently I've contemplated a few things concerning life; namely, love.
Wikipedea describes love as.....
an emotion of strong affection and
personal attachment. Love is also a virtue
representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection said...
[Love is...] A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
Many have written about love.
Many have studied it.
Arguements are based upon it,
and philosophies are created about it.
Thousands of pages, dedicated to understanding and controling love.
So many embark on the journey of love and come up short or even empty handed; been there done that. It's not fun. Taylor Swift lyrics are often heard blasting through the headphones of girls, occasionally boys, of all ages, each song colored with the many emotions that love creates within us; so typical. I know that I've mocked them on numerous occasions, but at times I come to love them and actually [[to my surprise..]] relate to them.
Have you ever just wanted to give up on love? Finding love... searching for love.... waiting for love to come around so that you could finally be happy?
I did that.
I turned my back on love.
[[Not forever, just for a while; I needed to figure life out; you understand]]
....and then on my 18th birthday... I ran into him.
--Love finds you when you're not looking.--
Sometimes you CAN'T control it.
When you're least expecting it, it'll slap you in the face becuase it thinks it's humorous for some unfathomable reason. --I'll admit, when it's not happening to me. I laugh. It is actually quite comical.-
"I don't know a lot about love, but I think I finally understand why people want it so much... It's the closest thing we have to magic."
If there's one thing I know for certain, it is this:
Falling in love is never an easy task. Most of the time it's really really hard; so hard in fact, you might want to give up hope on it all together.
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day."
-The Notebook
Loving unconditionally is never easy. Loving without expecting anything in return... is terrifying..
My Definition of True Love:
A burning feeling of a million words, yet no way to be described. It just is..
I want to fall in love. I want to be loved.
I may not understand it.. and it may make me more vulnerable than I'd like,
but it's something new, it's something I may be ready to try again.. Maybe, just maybe.
I may not understand it.. and it may make me more vulnerable than I'd like,
but it's something new, it's something I may be ready to try again.. Maybe, just maybe.
xoxo nikki
Wow! I don't know how i came across this blog but i'm glad i did :) I was touched and inspired by it. Not to mention far away by nickelback is one of my favorite songs of all time haha. Thank you for writing this, I needed to read something like this today :) Also maybe another idea on something to write about? Go and listen to "Satisfied" by Jewel great song! I think you might like it.