People never cease to amaze me..
So what someone's different....
So what they made a mistake..
Hell, I've made plenty of mistakes, and look at me.
I think I'm pretty awesome.
Sometimes I think living in a Mormon community is worse than living in the real world..
Granted, I've never lived in the real world.
But I've seen my fair share of movies and tv shows and I can guess what the real world is like.
Yes the real world has a lot of shit in it. And yes, I truly believe that if we sent half of our
high school out there, they'd be gone within minutes. They just don't understand. I don't understand.
But I wonder... Is demanding perfection from every single individual any better...?
Driving a person to the brink... because they think it's the only way out.
They pop a few pills and wait for their end. All because of what you said. All because they made a mistake.
You know who you are. And I know you've made mistakes too.
You have picked on people ruthlessly. You have dug your own grave in the hearts of hundreds.-- If not more.
You were the cool kid. You have "high morals" as you try drugs, drink some alcohol, and screw the high school "slut". [[Which is hardly fair for her. She just wants to be loved... she just wants to be cared about for the first time in her life... and you treat her like a piece of meat.]]
The audacity within you... to accuse someone of making a horrible mistake-- when you don't even know the whole story... absolutely amazes me.
Take into account how many lives you've single handedly ruined... [[including mine]] and then add what you and your "posy" has done, and you'd turn that finger right around, tuck your tail between your legs, and run away... far away.
Driving someone to attempt the most selfish of all things... is unspoken of, and yet it happens daily.
and for what?
What does that do for you...?
Do you feel special?
Do you feel wonderful about yourself?
You hurt someone so badly, they tried to take their own life..
Are you happy now...?
In the end.. the only judgment that matters is Gods.
I know I've made plenty of mistakes.
I know that I'm probably the farthest thing from perfect.
But I also know that I care.
I care about those who are picked on.
I care about those who see no way out.
I care about those who are throwing their lives away because of a rumor.
an ex.
a picture.
a person.
And even though I've been bashing on you...
I care about you too.
I care about what you'll become.
And I'm worried what the world will do to you once you get out of high school. You won't be the biggest or the badest.
You think you're a badass... but wait until you run into a real badass, guns usually end lives.. especially in the hands of one of them.
You might run your mouth at the wrong person... and it will be your end.
I'll cry for you. I'll cry because I never had the guts to stand up to you in high school.
I never told you to grow up.. and I never helped you.
This post is a rambling one.
It's sort of pointless.
But, for now, it's my thoughts down on paper.
[[figuratively of course]]
and now I've got to take action.
In the words of a really good friend...
Jesus said love everyone. JUST DO IT. It's really not that hard.
No one is perfect. Not even you. --Yes you.-- Don't judge people because they're different.
Embrace that difference and love everyone.
Through diversity we become stronger.
So why is it that we strive so hard to be the same?
Why do you try so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out?
Think about it....
xoxo nikki
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