Thursday, October 6, 2011


you could describe me as indecisive.

i always need change, yet beg for consistency.
obviously, this is a problem.

*if you ask me to pick either McDonald's or Del Taco for lunch and happen to be on either side of the light, i couldn't tell you.

*i can't decide if i want long or short hair.

*when it comes to outfit picking, it's often a morning crisis.

or even a song that describes the current mood. could make it down to maybe 5 or 6, never the one.
and lets not even talk about who i like. the number skyrockets every other day.

the only favorites i have are Chai Sickles and the color blue.

as a result of my obvious indecisiveness, I can't remember where I was going with this post.


as a huge side note....
you may find me just a little strange,
i like dancin barefoot in the pouring rain.
my mind is racing at the speed of light,
as i dance through life.
it's a blast:]

I realised... that i may be the bottom of the food chain today.. && silently proceded cursed myself for it becuase I used to be at the top. It was then that I was slapped in the face with the most wonderful thought I've had all week. I LOVE BEING AT THE BOTTOM! It is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. What do I have to show for it? Well let me tell you.. :]
1. Katelyn Jean Winward: the most amazing woman anyone
will ever have the privelage to meet.
((it wall started with "the holiday and a fart))
2. Emily Juchau: My sexy littel cuddle buddy
who no matter how bad of a day it is
((finding out one of your best friends is dying))
she somehow seems to be able to put a big fat
smile on this little face of mine.
"touch my knee it's a matter of friendship!!!"
3. Chandler Merkley: I simply adore him.
he is the best friend every girl hopes for
but none can actually ever get.
((because i called him first!!!)
4. Matthew Roundy: He's one of the sweetest
boys I have ever had the privelage
to know.
((mini golf. icecream.
hours upon hours of talking.
kazoozles. ring pops.
oh and that sexy hair!))
5. Elder Bradley. Yes I am writing him.
letters. it's all very romantic;)
I love every minute of it.
He's on of the greatest missionaries I know.
[[okay, maybe i'm a little bias;)]]
6. Mark Chamberlin.
we were in love....
not so much anymore..
........MoViNg ON........
7. Angela and Cami. They're a package
and I love them dearly:]:]:]
8. Inside jokes that can last forever.
9. More smiles and laughs than I can count on the
fingers [[and toes]] of the population of

10. They've helped me to see myself for
who I truly am. They accept me, love me,
help me to be a better person.

11. An over whelming love for

if i had to step on someone else in order to get back to the top?
i dont hink i'd even have the heart to do it.

12. A new and undying love for my family.

13. Feeling loved every day.

14. Knowing I'm never alone.
and that someones always got my back.

15. A new love of learning.
and using big words.
((i aspire to be just like emily.))
that is all.

16. Last ((not really last.))
there are a million other things I could name.
trust me.
but number fifteen: My dear friend, Micheal Taylor.
We met once at a mission farewell,
and that's it.
We talk nearly everyday, and it's almost as if we've been
best friends forever.

What does any of that have to do with anything you might ask?? Honestly? To me, it has everything to do with, well everything. Every aspect of my life is shaped by these beautiful angels I call my friends. I wouldn't have it any other way.
oh the wonderful things you think up walking to fourth period math. :]

hmmmm.... i love life. :]

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