Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Summer in Lust

He sighed. a smile crept across my face as I challenged him, "You won't hurt me... You love me! Remember?" the smile on my face taunted him as I expected a playful reply. The look in his eyes, the smirk on his face said it all. A mere "You know I do." was all I got from him. My heart ached. It questioned him. My mind blew it off, I was living in the moment. The way I'd dreamed of for many years. Somehow i imagined it differently. I imagined him differently. Though i knew my heart wasn't completely in it my mind told me it was all right. It said this is what I've always wanted. My heart knew him better than I ever gave it credit for. From the moment he uttered the words "You know i do." it knew. He was going to hurt me more than my mind could ever comprehend. From then on my heart tried uselessly to build a wall for my own protection. Only to be torn down by my mind. My body and mind worked in sync overthrowing my heart for just a moment. Leaving me vulnerable long enough for his six words to sink in completely. "I think we should see other people..." what was all he said. My world fell apart in a matter of seconds. I thought it was the end. My mind told me there was no hope for joy to be a part of my life ever again. Though this may be the end of a beautiful summer lust, it is only the beginning of an even more beautiful life ahead of me.

Love Rex.

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