Friday, December 2, 2011

Final Diagnoses

Important preface: The color red indicates something made of/creator of/ is the equivilant of
                                PURE AND UTTER EVIL.
[ If you happen to be a doctor and are reading this.. don't be offended, I'm sure there are nice doctors out there. Eh. Who am I kidding? You're ALL evil. Sorry. Should've chosen a different proffession. ]

                                      The color yellow indicates pure and utter happiness.

 SIDENOTE: My post is begining to look like a hotdog covered in ketchup and mustard. EW.

Well, I returned from the doctors yesterday, as I'm sure you already conjectured upon the publishing of my last post.

The doctor proceded with his usual check up, got an evil grin on his face, and said "you're going to hate me".

          I believe my reaction was something like this.....   O_0

Mixed with a whole lotta


Yes I have a fear of the doctors office, and an even greater fear of needles.
[[and yet I'm going to become a dentist, how that works out? I have no idea]]

Well. To end this tragic tale, I had to get one of the most painful shots injected into my darriere. The actual poke...? Didn't hurt a bit, just scared me. The injection of medicine into my poor unexpecting
bottom, hurt like a mother. I thought I was going to die.

Imagine the most painful thing you've ever been through. Multiply that by about a billion,
Got that pain in mind?
Well guess what. You haven't even begun to understand the pain I was in!

Oh, and I have bronchitis.

((insert duh duh duh sound that plays in movies when something terrible has happened))

xoxo nikki

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